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2024 Titles Earned by Solstice Dogs
161 Titles in multiple venues
1/24 Glee earns her AXJ (Agility excellent jumpers)

1/24 Taco earns her MJC (Masters Century Jumpers)

1/24 Chili earns his RAT-O (Open barn hunt)

1/24 Synergy earns her NA (Novice Standard) and NF (Novice Fast) titles

1/24 Reef earns his ASCA RN
2/24 Rebel earns his RAT-I and RAT-N with a high in class

2/24 Fuego earns his RAT-N

2/24 Paddington earns his RAT-N

2/24 Glee earns her AX

2/24 Aerie earns her MXB

2/24 Chili earns his RAT-S

2/24 Tyme earns his AX
2/24 Taco earns her TQX

2/24 Aerie earns her ATCH 2!

2/24 Synergy earns her GS-O and RS-N
3/24 Syn earns her GS-E

2/24 Glee earns her JS-E-OP

2/24 Tyme earns his RS-E and GS-E
2/24 Paddington earns his SEN and SWN
3/24 Ever earns her FCAT

3/24 Beam earns his CGC

3/24 Reef earns his JS-N and GS-N

3/24 Chili earns his RSA-N

3/24 Ever earns her JS-E-OP

3/24 Paddington earns his ASCA RA

3/24 GLee earns her ASCA RMX REX and RM titles

3/24 Pooh earns his SBN

3/24 Fuego earns his RAT-O

3/24 Vapor earns his NA and JS-N
4/24 Vapor earns his JS-O GS-N and RS-N

4/24 Beam earns his CGCA

4/24 Glee earns her FCAT

4/24 Hoot earns his BCAT

4/24 Pico earns his TKA

4/24 Beam earns his RAT-S excellent title

4/24 Tyme earns his HCT in AHBA herding

4/24 Frankee earns her RS-N and GS-N titles

4/24 Glee earns her ASCA CH with all majors

4/24 Riptide earns his first AKC points and first ASCA major!

4/24 Rogue earns her NA

4/24 Fix earns his BCAT

4/24 Syn earns her NADAC NAC and NGC
5/24 Syn earns her AKC NAJ

5/24 Glee earns her RM and RAE

5/24 Katniss earns her UKC NC (Novice Containers) Title

5/24 Fix earns his NF

5/24 Reef earns his RA in ASCA
5/24 Glee earns her XF

5/24 Pico earns his AKC RA

5/24 Fix earns his DCAT

5/24 Firefly earns her PACH and PAX

6/24 Vandal earns his NAJ

6/24 Synergy earns her UKI BID

6/24 Elinor earns her AKC ATT and Farm Dog Certificate

6/24 Synergy earns her AKC OA title and
CPE CL3-R and CL3-H

6/24 Tyme earns his AKC ATT

6/24 Reaper earns his CGC and TKN

6/24 Rogue earns her XF

6/24 Rogue earns her NAJ

6/24 Kodi earns her T2B3

7/24 Koca earns his HIC
(herding instinct certificate)

7/24 Synergy earns her OF, RS-O, JS-O and

7/24 Fix earns his GS-N

7/24 Firefly earns her MXC

7/24 Glee earns her GS-E-OP

7/24 Vandal earns his GS-N RS-N and JS-O

7/24 Pooh earns his SWN and SCN

7/24 Ever gets her GS-E

7/24 Taco earns her MACH3

7/24 Glee earns her MXJ

8/24 Aerie earns her MXFB

8/24 Tyme earns his GR-O title

8/24 Synergy earns her OAC TG-N and GR-N titles

8/24 Paddington earns his SCA and SIA

8/24 Glee earns her MX

8/24 Sequel earns her JS-E

8/24 Hoot earns his NJP

8/24 Elinor earns her JS-N JS-O ICC and IAC

8/24 Pico earns his ASCA BN

8/24 Tyme earns his ASCA RN

8/24 Icon earns his first ASCA Major!

9/24 Phoenix earns his XF

9/24 Rogue earns her OA

9/24 Kodi earns her MJC (masters century jumpers)

9/24 Vapor earns his NF

9/24 Rebel earns his RAT-O

9/24 Paddington earns his SBA and SEC

9/24 Zayne earns his BCAT

10/24 Hoot earns his NAP and NFP

10/24 Denali earns his RS-O and JS-E
10/24 Firefly earns his PJS

10/24 Riptide earns his ASCA RN and BN

10/24 Glee earns her REM

10/24 Phoenix earns his AXP

10/24 Frankee earns her DCAT

10/24 Synergy earns her RAT-O

10/24 Beam earns his AKC RN

10/24 Taco earns her ATCH 3

10/24 Koca earns his AKC and ASCA RN

10/24 Sequel earns her ASCA RN and HIGH IN TRIAL at the ASCA National Specialty

10/24 Icon earns his RNX

11/24 Tyme earns his OF

11/24 Rogue earns her OAJ
11/24 Taco earns her MJP and MXP

11/24 Hoot earns his OFP

11/24 Vapor earns his GS-E

11/24 Vandal earns his NA

11/24 Katniss earns her SCN and SCI

11/24 Firefly earns her AGCH

11/24 Synergy earns her RS-E
12/24 Syn earns her AX and XF
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