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In 2023, Solstice dogs earned 115 titles!!!
2023 Titles Earned by Solstice Dogs
1/23 Beam earns his CA

1/23 Glee earns her NA and NAJ

2/23 Ever earns her AX AXJ and CGC
3/23 Ever earns her RS-E

2/23 Rogue earns her BCAT

2/23 Tyme earns his NCC, S-NJC and Novice Versatility titles in NADAC

2/23 Otter earns his CA
3/23 Otter earns his JS-N
6/23 Otter earns his RN

2/23 Vandal earns his CGC

3/23 Aerie earns her ATCH (agility trial champion)

3/23 Taco earns her ASCA RA
Glee earns her ASCA RNX
Aerie earns her ASCA RA

3/23 Glee earns her ASCA RS-N, JS-N, GS-N and JS-O

3/23 Rebel earns his GS-E

3/23 Birdie earns her RAT-N

3/23 Timber earns his NW-3 Elite title

3/23 Chili earns his JSA-N

3/23 Tarot earns her RAT-N
4/23 Glee earns her NF

4/23 Ever earns her NF
5/23 Glee earns her AKC CD and RE
5/23 Glee earns her ASCA RA

5/23 Beam earns his DJ (dock junior) title in NADD
8/23 Beam earns his GS-N

6/23 Tyme earns his NADAC O-NAC and OAC (outstanding novice regular and open regular)

6/23 Synergy earns her ASCA RN

6/23 Riptide earns his AKC HT
7/23 Riptide earns his AKC PT

7/23 Reef earns his BCAT

7/23 Tyme earns his AKC Open Standard title
8/23 Tyme earns his elite tunnelers and open weavers title in NADAC
8/23 Tyme earns his ASCA JS-O, JS-E, RS-O and GS-E
9/23 Tyme earns his Open Chances, (OCC) Open Touch and Go (TG-O), Elite Regular titles
7/23 Glee earns her JS-E GS-O and RS-O titles
8/23 Glee earns her OA title
8/23 Glee earns her GS-E

8/23 Pico earns his LD-N
8/23 Aerie earns her ASCA RE

8/23 Kodi earns her MJG

8/23 Rogue earns her NF
8/23 Taco earns her ATCH 2
8/23 Taco earns her RS-E-SP
8/23 Glee earns her ASCA RE and a High In Trial from Masters
Glee earns 3 WB, 2 BOW, 1 BOS and 1 BOB from the classes for 13 points and 3 majors in ASCA
9/23 Glee earns her OAJ
8/23 Taco earns her ASCA REX with a high in trial and perfect 200!
9/23 Glee earns her BCAT

9/23 Vandal earns his BCAT
9/23 Kodi earns her MACH 2!!! Go Frank!
9/23 Kodi earns her MXG

9/23 Reef earns his JHD (junior herding dog)
10/23 Denali earns his DCAT

10/23 Otter earns his RI (Rally Intermediate)

Spring 2023 Pooh earns his BCAT RATN-X DJ
11/23 Pooh earns his SIN SEN

11/23 Tyme earns his OAJ
11/23 Tyme earns his NADAC Lifetime 1000 point award

11/23 Frankee earns her NAJ

11/23 Tarot earns her RAT-O
12/23 Tarot earns her TKN and TKI

Spring 2023 Paddington earns his UKC CH, SCN SIN and SBN
Summer 2023 Paddy earns his ASCA and AKC RN
Fall 2023 Paddy earns his UKC NI NC UR01
DJ and DN

11/23 Frankee earns her CDX
10/23 Frankee earns her VCD1 title (versatile companion dog)

11/23 Glee earns her RS-E
11/23 Glee earns her DCAT
11/23 Glee earns her OF

11/23 Loki earns his DCAT

11/23 Vandal earns his DCAT

11/23 Denali earns his RS-N GS-E and JS-O

10/23 Rogue earns her OF
11/23 Rogue earns her JS-N and GS-N

11/23 Phoenix earns his JS-E and GS-E

10/23 Synergy earns her RAT-N
11/23 Synergy earns her JS-N and GS-N
11/23 Syn earns her CPE CTL2-F

11/23 Vandal earns his JS-N

12/23 Chili earns his NJP
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